Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Parsons SIS: Day 10

    Today in Design Portfolio we took the subway to the Brooklyn Museum of Art and viewed the many interesting exhibits. We started our sketching for the day in the Egyptian art exhibits, in which I found multiple interesting things to sketch, not only because of their form but also the many colors and intricate inscriptions in some of the smaller pieces. 
     My favorite exhibit was that of a female artist named Swoon, who had created almost her own world within one room. In the center of the room was a humongous tree covered in fabric and paper doilies. The room was also filled with two large boats and numerous wooden cutouts that were hand painted. These pieces were all influenced by Hurricane Sandy and the wreckage afterwards, and were completely constructed from recycled materials. I found a deep connection with these pieces because they reminded me of New Orleans and the gloomy but hopeful nature of the exhibit really intrigued me. I was lucky to be able to sketch part of one of the wooden cutouts.

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