Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Parsons SIS: Day 2

        Today we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art as a class and viewed the new Charles James exhibit, as well as the permanent exhibits. To continue our figure drawing, we sat and drew statues from the Greek collection. This was a wonderful experience because it was extremely calming to take time to sit and sketch great works of art and famous statues among the other people in the museum. The statues were also less difficult to portray than the live model because of their near perfect features and lack of movement, and the beauty within the works was astounding.
We also sketched suits of armor from one of the permanent collections. This was helpful to my understanding of joints and the human body, because of the extreme detail put in to the design of the armor. Studying each joint within the suit developed my understanding of the movement of the human body, and I found that drawing the suit was actually very difficult because of the amazing detail involved.
My favorite exhibit by far was the Charles James exhibit because of the technology used to analyze each piece. Cameras, x-rays, and lasers danced around and under each dress to examine in depth the construction and detail within each dress. The design and beautiful construction of his dresses was truly inspiring and added to my knowledge of pattern making. I sketched some of his designs and fell in love with the details and concepts behind his work.

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