Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Parsons SIS: Day 5

  Today we visited not only the Museum of Modern Art but also the Museum of Art and Design, after eating lunch on the rocks of Central Park. Here are some of my favorite pieces of the day:

This was a Cindy Sherman piece which I found somewhere in the MoMA. I love the characters she creates within each piece; she almost creates a whole storyline within each photo.

I don't know what it was about this piece but for some reason it really caught my eye and pulled me back to it, and I just stopped and stared for a couple of minutes. It created such an emotion and environment with the low-toned colors and charcoal lines, I couldn't resist the home-y yet calm and solitary feeling it gave me.
Of course, it was such a privilege to see Starry Night in person, my mouth fell open when I spotted it. The brush strokes and deep blues are so much more beautiful in person I could not believe that I was looking at the real thing. This will always be one of my favorite paintings, it's impossible to compete with.
This was an interactive piece of modern art at the MAD, which wove a three dimensional picture of the viewer on a screen and could be manipulated. Interactive art is always so incredible to me

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